
Welcome to this new website DeafAnarchy!

My name is Steve.

My name is Dai.

What is this website about?

It’s been set up as a space for deaf people interested in radical politics to share ideas and communicate thoughts on the issues of the day that impact on people’s lives.

Like the cost of living crisis, class war, police oppression against black people and women, hate crimes against LGBTQI+ people, the ongoing robbing of indigenous people’s land around the world, the total destruction of the environment, things like that.

So, first, let’s be clear: what do we mean by ‘radical’?

We mean the radical Left, not the radical Right!

By Radical we mean: direct action, anarchism; we welcome groups that take action, like Just Stop Oil, local groups fighting racism, working class action such as strikes by ordindary working class people, actions by extinction rebellion, people who try to stop people being deported.

By Left we mean building networks of solidarity, fighting for an end to capitalism and for a just society where everyone is equal and free, where we support each other and learn to celebrate differences in society, where sexuality is celebrated rather than feared or seen as a problem.

By Politics we do NOT mean parliamentary politics, or local councils, or other non government type bodies. Being radical could be about creating change in local contexts by local level organising – like fighting gentrification or the closure of your local hospital; or at a global level – like fighting for climate justice and against border controls.

Our politics is NOT about working through established institutions, nor working with the law, we aren’t looking for people to do things for us, we believe in self-organisation and self development, in ‘bottom up’ movements.

Under NO circumstances will we have anything to do with the police.

We are passionate about deaf issues and what people perceive to be ‘deaf politics’ – like fighting for the right to access services, campaigning for the recognition of BSL, equal opportunities to employment, and things like that.

However, the aim of this website is focused on making accessible the ideas of anarchism and radical political action.

We are not here to l’ead’ this website. We are not an ‘organisation’ looking for recruits or clicks to the website or associated social media.

We’ve set it up from money we got for publishing on the Anarchist podcast. We think anarchism offers a way to a better society than the voilent, war ridden, class oppressive, hate and divisive, rich land-grabbing ridden one we live in today.

We are privileged to have access to many of the ideas of anarchism, but we are still learning about it ourselves! We haven’t had much access to anything anarchist other than what we’ve been able to read or see subtitled.

But that isn’t going to change if we just sit here and complain about it, we wanted to do something about creating some access to anarchist ideas, and here it is!

If you want to contribute to the website, send it to us in BSL or International sign: all we ask is that your article is in the spirit of anarchy, we especially welcome fun stuff that mocks capitalism, art and poetry, visual stuff that relates to rebellion, activism, solidarity and love.

Of course we welcome thoughts and reflections on the serious stuff thats happening in the world right now that needs to change. We welcome expression of anarchist ideas in sign language.



What is an anarchist society meant to look like?

Anarchism in Greece, Peru, Canada – anywhere in the world, we want to know about it in sign language.

Anti-fascism and how to fight fascism?

Finally, we don’t want to be controllers of this website: let’s just say we are guardians of it for the time being.

Over to you!